A downloadable game for Windows

Bull & Cow Game 

Bull Cow Game is a simple puzzle game developed in Unreal Engine 4 as part of an ongoing project. It is a Word Guessing Game in which player have to guess an Isogram <Link to Isogram Examples>. It was developed by me under a week and pre made assets of unreal engine marketplace was used. 



  • Player will be greeted with an opening scene in which rules and definition of game and isogram will be explained to them respectively. 
  • Hidden Word will Have a length ranging from 4 to 8. 
  • Players then will have to guess an isogram which fits the criteria of the hidden word. 
  • Player Input will be processed and appropriate messages will be shown. 
  • Number of Attempts which player will have, will be directly proportional to the length of the Hidden Word. 
  • If Player is Successful in guessing the word a Win Screen will Show appreciating the player. 

What Is Isogram? 

According to Various Sources, an Isogram can be explained in one of two ways. 

  1. An Isogram is a type of word which contains unique letters i.e. Each letter will occur exactly one time in the word.  Examples: Host, Post, Coast, Toast, Donkey and various other isograms. 
  1. An Isogram is a type of word which contains all letter equal number of times i.e. Each letter in the word will occur equal number of times.  Example: Dodo, Vivienne, intestines and various other isograms 



BullCowGame.rar 83 MB

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